There is an age-old history of a place of Prayer & Retreat as a spiritual practice and here as a small aspiring Skete Community, where we discover one fundamental reality: There are those who are committed together to seek a sacred space, that develops out of a need, a hunger to move beyond what was known to something fuller. Whether it was a desire to know, to decide, to be guided or to be touched and carried into intimacy with the Divine, the impulse came out of souls reaching out to mystery. The hunger for intimacy will ultimately lead to God. All intimacies originate and end in this primal desire for the Sacred. When we examine our Sacred Scriptures we see the practice of going off deliberately to a special place for an encounter with the Holy One is not at all unusual.
When all is said and done, what carries us into spiritual retreat is hunger for a God that transcends all our boundaries. It is a hunger that begs God for more. Retreat is a time when we break the habitual rhythm of our lives and step into the fire of God’s longing for us and our longing for God.